What a great day at the worksite! We had around 50 volunteers working on 3 houses, 2 sheds, and 2 playhouses. Our volunteers worked quickly and with great care. Through their efforts, many projects were completed. The homeowners for all 3 of the houses were present and working hard! One of the greatest accomplishments of the day (and the main reason for this blog post): Thrivent Build Recipient Jackie Burns, and her family, were there to help build, and witness the raising of, all four of their home’s exterior walls!! Oh, what a feeling!…A big thank you to Thrivent Financial for Lutherans for partnering with Bay Area Habitat for Humanity, and funding Jackie’s home! Also, thank you to Hope Lutheran Church, St. Bernadette’s Church, and all of the amazing volunteers who came out to work. You all are truly a blessing to one another, to this community, and to Bay Area Habitat for Humanity. Peace, Love and Hope.
Thrivent Build Wall Raising 9/18/10
To see more pictures from the day, click on the picture above. It will link you to our Picasa photo album. Also, don’t forget to check out our Facebook Page: “Bay Area Habitat for Humanity”, and our website: www.bahfh.org.